A Day With The Prophet (PBUH)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Inspired by something I read in a book "Prophet Muhammad- A Mercy for Children" we decided to have a little activity among the kids of our family as they were gathered together for Eid ul fitr last month.

We shared with them stories from the life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in three segments:
1st- The Prophet s.a.w's smile.
2nd- The Prophet s.a.w's childhood.
3rd- The Prophet s.a.w's death.

After these interactive sessions we handed the kids pieces of paper and asked them to write if they had a chance to meet Muhammad s.a.w, how would they spend their day with him s.a.w?
Some of the replies were adorable while others surprised us about how thoughtful the kids were!
Here are some of their writings:

 "I will play football with the Prophet"
Yusuf (7)
 "I will be very happy and I will talk to him righteously. I will serve him as a guest, if only I get the chance to meet him once!"
-Eisha (11)
 "First of all I will learn a lot about Allah from him s.a.w. Then I will listen to his recitation of the Quran. I will learn righteous things from him s.a.w. The meeting with the beloved Prophet of Allah s.a.w will be in the hereafter"
-KhushBakht (12)
 "I will pray the five daily prayers with him s.a.w and eat with him and take a lot of care of him and do whatever he asks. I wish one day He s.a.w is really with me"
" If I was so lucky to spend time with Muhammad s.a.w I would ask him which dua should be recited to stay away from our mother's scolding? And I would pray with him and talk to him about nice things, I would talk to him s.a.w about Allah and ask him about Allah s.w.t"
-Ahmed (14)

"I would ask him to pray for me, to pray for my intercessions. I would serve him s.a.w and pray behind him s.a.w"

Among my favourites :)
Had given the original paper to his mom.

This Beautiful fitrah is what we need to work to keep intact :)
Leaving them to constant reminders of other role models being bombarded upon them from peers, TV screens and whatnot, we can not expect them to go on with the same aspirations of meeting Rasulullah s.a.w as they hold today.

May Allah make them all true to their love and may the love of Rasulullah s.a.w ever increase in their hearts and translate into action :)

Worth pondering.


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