A Day With The Prophet (PBUH)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Inspired by something I read in a book "Prophet Muhammad- A Mercy for Children" we decided to have a little activity among the kids of our family as they were gathered together for Eid ul fitr last month.

We shared with them stories from the life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w in three segments:
1st- The Prophet s.a.w's smile.
2nd- The Prophet s.a.w's childhood.
3rd- The Prophet s.a.w's death.

After these interactive sessions we handed the kids pieces of paper and asked them to write if they had a chance to meet Muhammad s.a.w, how would they spend their day with him s.a.w?
Some of the replies were adorable while others surprised us about how thoughtful the kids were!
Here are some of their writings:

 "I will play football with the Prophet"
Yusuf (7)
 "I will be very happy and I will talk to him righteously. I will serve him as a guest, if only I get the chance to meet him once!"
-Eisha (11)
 "First of all I will learn a lot about Allah from him s.a.w. Then I will listen to his recitation of the Quran. I will learn righteous things from him s.a.w. The meeting with the beloved Prophet of Allah s.a.w will be in the hereafter"
-KhushBakht (12)
 "I will pray the five daily prayers with him s.a.w and eat with him and take a lot of care of him and do whatever he asks. I wish one day He s.a.w is really with me"
" If I was so lucky to spend time with Muhammad s.a.w I would ask him which dua should be recited to stay away from our mother's scolding? And I would pray with him and talk to him about nice things, I would talk to him s.a.w about Allah and ask him about Allah s.w.t"
-Ahmed (14)

"I would ask him to pray for me, to pray for my intercessions. I would serve him s.a.w and pray behind him s.a.w"

Among my favourites :)
Had given the original paper to his mom.

This Beautiful fitrah is what we need to work to keep intact :)
Leaving them to constant reminders of other role models being bombarded upon them from peers, TV screens and whatnot, we can not expect them to go on with the same aspirations of meeting Rasulullah s.a.w as they hold today.

May Allah make them all true to their love and may the love of Rasulullah s.a.w ever increase in their hearts and translate into action :)

Worth pondering.

A Little Story

Friday, August 8, 2014

On this Eid ul Fitr, we gathered our little cousins and reminded them about the in-numerous Blessings of Allah upon us all. When they were asked to mention their favourite blessings they gave the cutest and such thoughtful replies!
The first one said: Pomegranate!
a slightly older boy said: My life.
one of them added: Horses!
And a little girl said: my mama papa.
My favourite however was: Chips! (seriously.)

 After that we asked them to bring some of their Eidi money and give it as sadaqah(charity) for those little kids who lack many blessings which we enjoy. Their willingness and generosity was so uplifting, mashaAllah.

Last minute charity box, washed over by rain. Excuse our uncreativeness.

One incident was worth mentioning, so much so that it brought me back to my blog after months. :)

A cousin's wife told us later, when she got the message about this sadaqah activity she asked her sons, aged 8 and 6, how much would they like to give. The older one had spent all his Eidi and had only 300Rs left but he said he will give 100 out of it and the younger one said he will give 50Rs. So his mom asked him "why so little?"

His reply?
"Don't we give 10Rs to the beggars who come to our house? Isn't 50Rs a lot then?"
That right there is what our kids silently learn from us.
You can 'talk' to them about the virtues of charity all you want but nothing will teach them better than your example.

She said then she told them about how Allah will give them so much more, both in this life AND the next if they give for His sake but it's their choice, they can give as much as they wish.
-I really liked how she let them decide at the end and didn't impose her opinion upon them.

Now comes the best part:
When they came over to give their share of sadaqah a family friend came to their place and gave 1000Rs Eidi for each one of them. As they got back home their mother informed them by saying "didn't I tell you Allah will increase for you if you give for His sake?"
And boy, were they overjoyed!
The older one couldn't initially believe it while the younger one said "I wish I had given 50Rs more as well"
That right there is their ain-ul-yaqeen.

I have no doubt that they will grow up to be 'givers' for the sake of Allah in sha Allah.

P.S: It's this tiny initiative we took and look at the wonderful results it had. The cousin who came up with this idea wasn't even there when most of this took place. She might have no idea about the sadqah e jariya she will reap by merely suggesting we do this. How easy it is to gain reward in our deen. It's like Allah WANTS us to get more and more.
So don't belittle any idea or any deed. Be sincere, take the initiative and leave the rest to Allah. :)