High on Happiness.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I'm high on happiness right now, Alhamdolillah.
So happy.
You know that feeling when you go to a party and cant relate with anyone or any topic there?
We have all been there at least once, whether it's the Welcome Party at a new school or meet-up of your mom's friends at your place.
But then, there are parties and gatherings with your friends, your own friends that you somehow fail to relate to.
And then there are gatherings with strangers and yet you can connect with each one of them.

I went to one such gathering this week. I don't usually go anywhere without any acquaintance but I REALLY wanted to attend this conference last week, which none of my friends were going for. So, I thought, lets brave up for once and go for it. Anyway, all we had to do was sit there quietly and listen to the speakers' talks.

Or that's what I had thought.

It was Amazing. We were the family Islam tells us to be. We weren't just relating, we were connected. The chorus of salam, doubling in our chairs while laughing, silently wiping away tears and (my favourite) Calling out Takbeer together. Allaho Akbar!
The energy was amazing and to know all this was only and only for the sake of Allah's Religion and for the love of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Nothing connects you better than that. Nothing can truly connect souls other than that.

Sitting with a friend today, after another such inspiring conference, while everyone began to leave with smiles on their faces and hopefully hearts charged with eeman, I almost swooned with pleasure. All this youth, out to seek the truth. To seek that which leads us to the pleasure of Allah. All these people like me and you, sharing the same gaols. All these blessed hearts, chosen by Allah to come here together for His Sake. And how blessed is one to be in such a company?

To have learned scholars and true slaves of God amidst you. To be addressed by them as a sister. If that made me so happy, I wonder how would be the happiness of those whom the Propeht Muhammad (PBUH) addresses as his Ummatis! SubhanAllah.
We have a long way to get there but it doesn't seem so difficult when you know you have so many companions with you on this journey.

                           So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.
                                                                                                              - Al-Quran 23:14


Anonymous said...

Assalam u Alykum wr wb ukhti,
While scrollin' down the #WOC2014's event page, when I opened ur article's link, i hadn't even a clue what I'd got..I dont know if anybody related themselves to it or not, but I truly relate myself to it.Honestly speakin', I got my eyes wet.True words are written directly came out of your heart.May Allah SWT bless you and increase you in emaan and make u the source of khyr for this ummah.Ameen

Fiza said...

Walaikumassalam Warahamtullah wabarakatuhu :)
So glad someone could benefit from this.
jazakillahu khairan for the beautiful duas :') waiyyaki, may He let us act more than we speak and preach inshaAllah. ameen!

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